Friday, April 15, 2011

Who is "somebody"?

That is the question.

Whenever there are bad things afoot in the world, people invariably say "Somebody ought to do something". Who is this mythical being known as somebody.

Well, somebody is us. If we don't take get on the bandwagon and actually strive to make the changes the world needs, nothing will change.

People seem to get overwhelmed when thinking about the magnitude of some of the worlds problems and their response becomes "What can I do about it"? Anything helps, no matter how trivial or ineffective it might seem because, in truth, nothing is trivial.

If a legitimate cause needs money and you can give it, any amount is appreciated.

If you don't have money, maybe you have time you can donate. At a local level, most organizations often need extra help and will appreciate that as well.

If you don't have either of those at the moment, there are other things, like simply spreading the word and helping build momentum.

I'll even give you an example. As a Wiccan man, I have nothing but the utmost respect and love for women. As such, the whole illegal sex slavery industry absolutely sickens and disgusts me, and somebody ought to do something.

Well, I am one of those somebodies. Having recently seen Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore on Piers Morgan talking about it, I started following Ashton on Twitter and retweeting his links and information on the matter as soon as I see them. Doesn't sound like much, since he already has so many followers and I so few right now, but think about it. I have different interests than him, and therefore people who currently do follow me and will follow me in the future may not be following him in spite of his popularity. So his words and actions reach people that they might not have otherwise, and even if only some of those people do something, then I have done something as well. I've helped spread the word and build momentum in a cause I believe in. You can too.

So think it over. If there is a cause you really want to support or something you really feel must change, get involved. If you can do big things, great. If you can only do what you feel are small things, then do them anyway.

In the end, it all counts, and nothing is trivial. Or, put another way:

"Evil flourishes when good men do nothing."
Edmund Burke

Or the ever popular "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem".